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Medicinal plants as antibacterial agents: A special reference to Emblica officinalis, Ocimum sanctum, Aloe vera and Aegle marmelos Advance Pharmaceutical Journal

Review Articles

2021  |  Vol: 6(5)  |  Issue: 5 (September- October) |
Medicinal plants as antibacterial agents: A special reference to Emblica officinalis, Ocimum sanctum, Aloe vera and Aegle marmelos

Rajesh Sawhney1*, Prerana Hazarika2, Archit Sawhney3

1Department of Microbiology, National Dental College & Hospital, Dist. Mohali, Punjab, India

2Department of Biotechnology, Chandigarh University, Dist. Mohali, Punjab, India

3Chandigarh College of Pharmacy, Dist. Mohali, Punjab, India 

*Address for Corresponding Author

Dr. Rajesh Sawhney

Professor and Head

Department of Microbiology,

National Dental College & Hospital, Derabassi, Dist. Mohali, Punjab, India



Plants like Ocimum sanctum, Emblica officinalis, Aloe vera, Aegle marmelos, Withania somnifera  Azardirchata indica etc. have been utilized as traditional medicinal remedies to treat various diseases for many centuries, and have been included as important components of present day medications for cough, cold, burning, skin disorders, diabetes, hyper acidity, diarrrhoea, dysentry, constipation, nerve disorder, stress etc. Amongst a long list of traditional medicinal plants, Emblica officinalis, Ocimum sanctum, Alovera, Aegle marmelos have been reported as some of the extensively and commonly used plants in India. The present write up is an attempt to further highlight the scientific work carried out with special focus on antibacterial activities of the said plants. The effort would add to a consistent surveillance of existing data on plant derived antibacterial agents and the target organisms; and could be a trigger to further carve out newer strategies to explore plant wealth as antimicrobial agents. The efforts could evolve newer promising tools to eliminate the harmful organisms.

Keywords: Medicinal plants, antibacterial, Ocimum sanctum, Emblica officinalis, Aloe vera, Aegle mermelos

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